
Articles Blog: “70 Top Virtual Field Trips for Homeschoolers”
“Coming June 12: A Virtual Insect Palooza with the Insect Discovery Lab” Bug Squad, 2020
“Bug Love: How Much Do You Know About Insect Courtship and Intimacy?” Bug Squad, 2020
Great Nonprofits article
Homestead School History
Homestead Gourd Birdhouses help save the rainforest
“Scientists Focusing on Insect Biodiversity and Insect Decline” Bug Squad, 2020
“Youths Experience the Joy of Insects” Bug Squad, 2019
“First There Were Microbes. Then Life on Earth Got Big” National Geographic, 2018
“Meet Norman Gershenz, director” India Parent Magazine, 2018
“Lord of the Flies: Norm Gershenz Saves the Planet by Placing Bugs on Children” SF Weekly, 2013
“Live weekend insect for kids coming to San Pedro Valley Park” Mercury News, 2011
“Learning to Love Insects” Time For Kids, 2010
“Insects and the world under your feet” ABC7 News, 2010
“Teach your kids about bugs” ABC7 News, 2008
“Center targets kids before bugs ‘uncool’” Contra Costa Sun, 2006
“Getting Creepy for a Cause” SF Chronicle, 2005
“Tiburon Pupils Bug-eyed Over Insects” Marin Independent Journal, 1999
Heroes for Nature “Homestead Kids’ Art Saves Rainforests”
“Parking-Meter Change Stems Nature’s Violation” National Geographic, 1994
“Feed a Meter, Save a Rainforest” Newsweek, 1988